Tuesday, January 04, 2005

jalosjos musmos

i am so bothered.

when i was in law school, a sophomore chick was frantically going around the building gathering signatures for a petition that was to be submitted to malacanang to stop the execution of convicted rapist leo echagaray. she got a very detached and rather icy "NO" when she asked me if i wanted to sign.

leo echagaray raped his 10 year old step daughter. a child who looked up to him and probably considered him as her father. the abuse went beyond physical, it was an abuse of trust and confidence. how will this poor girl ever trust anybody else again if the man who's suppose to be taking care of her violated her.

don't get me wrong. im all for second chances and humane and just punishment. But grown men who rape and torture children should surely be exceptions.

At the risk of sounding like a high and mighty self righteous fuck - I take personal offense that a man who finds satisfaction in bullying a helpless little girl is allowed to breathe the same air i do. Should a beastly thing ever happen to my child or someone i love, i swear to God I am not gonna rest until that man is bleeding pus.

calm blue ocean. calm blue ocean. masyado akong nang-gagalaiti dito.

when i read somewhere this morning that Jalosjos' (another sick mother fucker) mother was appealing to the president for a pardon, i first thought it was appaling and then i thought it was laughable.

i also assumed, of course, that there was no chance in hell that this was going to be granted.

cut to cut to me coming to the office from a meeting and hearing my officemate say "This GMA has really gone crazy. first she lets erap go and now she's considering pardoning jalosjos"


apparently, this midget we put into office is thinking about granting him a conditional pardon. what if it were lilu or luli or whatever your daughter's name is that was raped ha?

My god he raped an eleven year old child, eleven!, what is there to think about?

politics is finding its serpentine way again to corrupt what is already a very corrupted philippine justice system. and this midget is probably too weak or too scared to put a stop to it.

i am really so bothered.

1 comment:

Leoy said...

I feel the same way about people who don't make turn signals when they turn.