Friday, October 22, 2004

for keeping the love in me alive

today, for some odd reason or other, i am writing about two of the bestest people in my life. a couple who have long held the "favorite" label in my books.

- Has been in and out of my life since puberty.
- Was one of the six guests in my 14th birthday party, 4 of which i had probably only talked to that night.
- Was the constant 3rd wheel that gave the niv-ets relationship fun stability. I now happily return the favor :)
- Is always up at two in the morning. A comforting bit of information to bored insomiacs like myself. Our "what if" situationers were highlights of text conversations.
- Has just canon-balled into his dream pool, backed only by a handful of cash and a loadful of people who believe in him.
- and yes, is, without a doubt, easy on the eyes.

- The only person who has seen me at my weakest, wimpiest, sorriest state. (kinaya mo ba yon trace?)
- Has a family that i want to adopt as my own when i get tired of mine.
- One of four people in my life that i would give up a kidney for.
- Someday, on my deathbed, i will look back on my good days and will not be surprised if she's in 70% of them.
- sometimes, i think my mother wants to trade me for her. and you know what, i completely understand why.


It was her birthday and she didnt have a lot of money left having spent a lot already for dinner. And for him, it was that time of the year when his financials were in dire straits. they stopped over for beer and stuff at a store that night, and she was slightly nervous as the cashier was adding up the cases of beer she had bought for the party. And then she looked over at him and the shit-i-have-no-money-na panic look on her face was instantly replaced with sudden concern as she asked him "babe, dont you want to get coke for your rhum coke?"

He did. i could tell that he did. it was so obvious that he did. But he knew where she was so instead he said, in the shyest-mode i've seen him since i've met him, "no its okay. im fine."

It was such a simple gesture really.

Or actually, when you think about it, it wasnt.


A said...

[sitting down] clap.

[slowly standing up] clap. clap.

[as music swells] clap clap clap clapclapclapclapclapCLAPCLAPCLAPCLAPCLAP.

Leoy said...

So what are you saying huh. That I drink too much or something.