Wednesday, June 30, 2004

getting to 30

Im turning 30 next year. 30! If I were lucky enough to live to 60, I’m well on my way to a mid-life crisis already.



Where did it all go?

When I was younger, there were certain things I thought I would have by this time.

A husband.

2 kids.

2 dogs.

Our own house with a nice big garden.

A well-equipped kitchen.

And a quaint little cottage or a beach house somewhere else for the summer.

There is not one item on that list that I can cross off now. How sad has my life become huh?

I still live at home with my folks. Im broke all the time. I don’t have a boyfriend. I’m grotesquely overweight, severely flawed and quite mannishly hairy. I don’t even drive for crying out loud.

Not only am I far from where I saw myself, I’m not even in the same galaxy.


inspite of all that’s wanting in my life, so much more is there.

The folks, the ones I still live with, are awesome. As are the siblings who all still live with the folks as well.

My friends, the most unbelievable mix of wonderful this side of the world.

My husband, the one I have yet to meet but am already in love with, is on his way to sweep me off my feet.

Not having money isn’t so bad all the time. You know that cliché ‘the best things in life are free,’ I believe it more everyday.

And it has to be said, I look better at 29 than I ever did…. flawed and all.

So while my life is far from ideal, it’s not bad.

Not bad at all.

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